Becky Helped Us Enhance Our Business

Gain valuable insights into their seamless partnership and explore their ambitious plans for future growth and success in the dynamic world of digital collaboration.

Post by Wilma Ivanisevic

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“We were very curious and asked a lot of questions to understand how Becky works before we decided to try it out. Whatever questions we had, they had an answer–so we decided to talk to another Netherlands company that works with Becky. Their experience was also very positive.”

Can you provide an overview of your company, Florys, the services you offer, and the position you’re in?

I have been doing accounting for 20 years, and have spent the last 12 at Florys. Florys is an administration company–we do bookkeeping, annual reports, and taxes, but not the audits, because we are not an accounting firm.

We are part of the Florys group with over 140 people working in it. One part of the group is a recruiting company, and one is a service company, like Florys, doing salaries, bookkeeping, etc.

Florys consists of 22 people, 20 people in the Netherlands, and 2 people in Belgrade.

We went fully digital in 2015, we planned to do it within the year, but managed to go fully digital 3 months earlier! No paper in the office ever since. It has proven to be truly great for us, especially when Covid hit, we were able to adapt instantly.

It works great. However, after a while with everyone working from home, we started missing the social interaction. Because yes, we are fully digital as a company, but are still human beings. Now, we are doing hybrid, and that seems to work well for our employees. No strict rules, just people working the way they feel is best.

What were the reasons that led you to choose Becky as a partner?

In the Netherlands, there is a lack of qualified people. That is an issue in many businesses, not just accounting. All accountant firms seem to struggle to find quality employees and are even trying to pouch employees from one company to switch to another. But that is not really a solution to the problem.

I was talking about this very situation to a friend of mine, and he mentioned Becky. My head was full of questions because I could see some potential problems with hiring someone who is so far away. However, every question I asked, ended up already answered.

I heard about Becky on January 18th, and have already been working together for 2 months.

You heard about Becky in January, and in June you already have 2 employees. Would you say that the collaboration with Becky has been going well?

I would say the collaboration has been going perfectly!

As mentioned, we were thinking about potential problems, thinking about solutions, however, it turned out to be a lot easier than I thought. We are fully focused on this project, which I think is crucial to its success. If you’re only doing things halfway, you might as well not do them at all.

We were very curious and asked a lot of questions to understand how Becky works before we decided to try it out. Whatever questions we had, they had an answer–so we decided to talk to another Netherlands company that works with Becky. Their experience was also very positive.

We also talked to our employees and presented them with this as a solution. We all agreed that we should try.

We were then presented with 6 CVs, of which we chose 4, then narrowed it further to 2. The idea was to come to Belgrade and conduct the final interview live. That was our first time in Belgrade, in March. At that moment, we decided to hire 2 people, Milica and Branka. The two of them started in May, in Belgrade, then after a week or so they both came to visit us and work from here. We explained how we work, and they worked and met all the people–this is crucial in the onboarding process, in my opinion. They spent 2 weeks in the Netherlands, then they came back to Belgrade. Soon after, Becky had their partner event and we came with 5 of our employees. And, actually, next week, we will have an event here, and have invited them to come as well–they are a part of our team. The work they do is the same as our colleagues in the Netherlands.

Has the language been a barrier?

In the beginning, we also worried that the language could be a problem. However, we realized that we understand each other. And that is the only thing that matters, grammar is less important to us.

Looking ahead, what are your future plans and expectations regarding the partnership with Becky?

We have great plans, both for Florys and for our partnership with Becky.

Prior to our collaboration, we almost had to turn new clients down, as we didn’t have enough people to cover that workload, and we didn’t want them overworked. We value good work-life balance, so we decided to not increase their workload more than we deemed okay.

Now, with Becky, if everything continues to go so well, we will be able to get new clients, to grow–because we finally have professionals who can do the job right.

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