Interview with Leanne Ter Maat - Grinwis, KIBO

Meet KIBO, a thriving accounting firm partnered with Becky for 3 years now, sharing insights on their growth, teamwork with Belgrade, and future plans.

Post by Emanuela Jovic

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KIBO has been with Becky for 3 years and just hired their 5th employee through Becky. Read what she has to say.

Tell us a bit about your company and your role in it.

We are accountants who amaze their clients. In 12 years, we have grown into an office with 35 employees divided among accountants and tax advisors. We have an enormous amount of financial data at our disposal, which allows us to give every entrepreneur real-time insight into the financial position of the company so that the company can be managed as effectively and efficiently as possible. I joined KIBO in 2013 and was their first employee. In those 10 years, I have seen KIBO grow into the company it is today. Initially, I was mainly responsible for processing our clients’ administrations, but for the last 2 years I have been more active internally within our firm, and I am the main point of contact for our team in Belgrade.

How did you start working with Becky?

3 years ago my colleague Martin Boogaard came into contact with Becky. Since KIBO is always looking for skilled and motivated people, we were very curious about what Becky could offer us.

This is the third year since the beginning of your cooperation with Becky, how satisfied are you with the progress of the team?

We are very satisfied with our team in Belgrade. They are our colleagues through and through and are fully part of our team, only just a few kilometers away. In the beginning, our new team members were slightly anxious about contacting us, but after one team meeting it felt like we had known each other for years. For me, it actually feels a bit like a kind of family.

Are you satisfied with the pace at which the team took on new tasks, the degree of independence when working, etc.?

What was very nice to see is that our colleagues in Belgrade developed as a team from day one. With new work or tasks, it goes without saying that our people help and support each other. New colleagues are also well-received and supervised.

What do your team’s visits to our offices (and visits to Belgrade) look like - what do you see as the biggest benefit of frequent trips?

We try to see our team from Serbia at least 4 times a year. We divide this by organizing trips to our office in the Netherlands, but also by traveling to Belgrade. These visits are all about instruction and guidance, but also a way just to see each other and do fun things. For example, the last time we were invited by our team member Ana to visit a basketball game in Belgrade. What an experience that was!

This week you hired another (fifth) member of the team, what was the main reason?

We are very proud of our fifth team member. Since our team is growing in terms of work, we needed to urgently expand our team with a new member. This was arranged really quickly by Becky. For us it is a bit more difficult to determine whether someone fits within the team, so we involved our colleagues in Serbia in the hiring process because ultimately they have to work together!

How has the labor market in the Netherlands changed over the years from your point of view?

As in other sectors, the shortage in the labor market within accounting is very present. The number of students who graduate from the accounting programs is not sufficient to fully fill the demand for motivated and broadly trained accountants. That is why we invest heavily in our people in order to bring out the best in them.

What values do you think you share with Becky? What values do you want the team in Serbia to have?

We strive to get the best out of our employees. We don’t care if this is in the Netherlands or in Serbia.

What do you value most in cooperation with Becky and your team of accountants?

Being able to act quickly when, for example, we need expansion in terms of team members. Within a week the hiring conversations were arranged and we quickly found someone with a good fit. Being able to move quickly is very important to us. This also happens within our team, for example when an urgent task comes in or when receiving and guiding a new colleague.

What are the biggest challenges your company faces in the market, and how do you think Becky can help address those challenges?

As mentioned before, it is very difficult to find good employees. Fortunately, we have Becky to help us out!

What are your future plans and goals for the collaboration with Becky, and how do you see it evolving in the coming years?

Since our office is growing annually by at least 25 percent, so with 3 to 4 employees, it is very likely that we will also see this growth partly reflected in our team in Belgrade. We, therefore, look forward to the future relationship between Becky and KIBO.

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